8th Grade Syllabus


Students will use:

United States History Beginnings to 1877, HMH Social Studies. History, Orlando. 2018.


A variety of sources will be used to help students master the objectives for this course including, map work, videos, internet research, etc.


Required Materials:

Notebook (Spiral or Composition)

Pencils/Pen (blue and black ink only)


Students are to come to class prepared with the required materials daily.


Modules of Study:

The U.S. History textbook is broken down into modules, rather than units. We will examine the following modules.


Textbook login: https://www.hmhco.com/one/login/?state=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hmhco.com%2Fone%2F%23%2Fdiscover%2FSS_NL18E_USH1877


Module 3 The English Colonies, 1600-1770

Module 4 The American Revolution, 1760-1785

Module 5 Forming a Government, 1775-1791

Module 6 Citizenship and the Constitution, 1785-1995

Module 7 Launching the Nation, 1785-1805

Module 8 War and Expansion in the Americas, 1800-1820

Module 9 A New National Identity, 1810-1830

Module 10 The Age of Jackson, 1825-1845

Module 12 Expansion and Conflict, 1820-1855

Module 14 The South 1790-1860

Module 15 Slavery in the United States, 1619-1852

Module 16 Reform Movements in the United States, 1815-1855

Module 17 A Divided Nation, 1845-1865

Module 18 The Civil War, 1860-1866

Module 19 Reconstruction 1860-1880


Grading Policy:

Formative assessments or assessments that are embedded as part of daily instruction, account for 40% of a student’s grade.  Examples of formative assessments include, but are not limited to, class work, group work, exit tickets, and draft essays. 


Summative assessments account for 60% of a student’s grade.  A summative assessment occurs after instruction has been completed on a given topic, standard, or unit.  Examples of summative assessments include unit tests, announced quizzes, major projects, and final exams.


Make-Up Work:

Any student scoring below a 80% on a summative assessment shall be permitted to take a retest within 5 school days of receiving the grade.  Retesting will be available to all students if initiated by the student.  Retesting shall be conducted at a time designated by the teacher (during class, after school, or before school).  The test shall cover the same instructional objectives and difficulty level but the structure and question format may vary at the teacher’s discretion.  If the student scores below 80%, then the higher of the two (original and retake) will be the grade recorded for that assessment.  If the student scores 80% or above then a 80% will be recorded for the assessment.  No retests will be given for final/end-of-the-year examinations. 

If a student is absent they have 5 days from the day of their return to make up any missed work.  It is the responsibility of the student to find out if they have any missed work. All make-up work will be in the make-up folder in the front of the classroom.


Classroom Rules/Expectations:


  1. Come directly to class with all prepared materials. Once in class, sit in your assigned seat, and always ask permission to leave your seat/area. 
    1. We don’t wander. Wandering leads to chaos.
  2. Raise your hand to speak. (Unless given different directions.) Listen when others are speaking.
    1. We are not rude. We do not talk over someone else. We value each other’s’ opinions.
  3. Respect your teacher and classmates at all times. Use kind words and actions.
    1. If you respect me, I will respect you.
  4. Silence during instruction. Follow all directions and procedures the first time given.
    1. Do the best you can to pay attention, so all learners have the same opportunity. Trust me, there will be plenty of chances for you to speak.
  5. Complete all work to the best of your ability.
    1. If you do not try, I will not know where/how to help you if you struggle.

** These expectations are to be abided by in accordance with all school rules and policies.


Classroom Consequences:


  1. Friendly Reminder
  2. Verbal Warning
  3. Teacher Intervention/MIR
  4. Asked to leave/Referral


MIR Procedure:

1st MIR - Phone call home/Teacher-student conference

2nd MIR - Afterschool Intervention

3rd MIR - Parent/Guidance/Team conference

4th MIR - Discipline referral given to administration